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CSA ANSI Z21.63-2011/CSA 11.3-2011


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CSA ANSI Z21.63-2011/CSA 11.3-2011 Portable Type Gas Camp Heaters

standard by CSA Group, 08/01/2011

Full Description


This publication represents a basic standard for safe operation, substantial and durable construction, and acceptable performance of portable type gas camp heaters. It is the result of years of experience in the manufacture, testing, installation, maintenance, inspection and research on portable type gas camp heaters designed for utilization of gas. There are risks of injury to persons inherent in appliances that, if completely eliminated, would defeat the utility of the appliance. The provisions in this standard are intended to help reduce such risks while retaining the normal operation of the appliance.

The revisions in this edition supersedes any corresponding provisions of ANSI Z21.63-2000/CSA 11.3-2000, ANSI Z21.63a-2001/CSA 11.3a-2001, and ANSI Z21.63b-2003/CSA 11.3-2003 and are identical to the coverage from the review and comment texts dated November 2005 and March 2009. No changes were made to the review and comment texts, therefore there is no Appendix.


This standard applies to unvented portable type gas camp heaters of the infrared type only up to and including a maximum input of 12,000 Btu/hr (3 517 w) using propane, butane, and liquefied petroleum gases and mixtures thereof, and intended for outdoor use.

This standard applies to portable type gas camp heaters having:
a. A regulated pressure; or
b. A non-regulated pressure.

Heaters and components employing materials or having forms of construction differing from those detailed in these provisions may be examined and tested according to the intent of the provisions, and if found to be satisfactorily equivalent, may be given recognition.

This standard applies to heaters constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials.

All references to psi throughout this standard are to be considered gauge pressures unless otherwise specified.

All accessories recommended by the manufacturer for use with appliances certified to this standard shall be supplied and with the appliance.

If a value for measurement as given in this standard is followed by an equivalent value in other units, the first stated value is to be regarded as the specification, except as noted in A.2.

Exhibit A, Items Unique to Canada, contains provisions that are unique to Canada.

Exhibit B, List of Reference Standards, contains a list of standards specifically referenced in this standard, and sources from which these standards may be obtained.

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ANSI Z21.63-2011 CSA 11.3-2011

American National Standard/ CSA Standard for

Portable Type

Gas Camp Heaters



Second Edition - 2011

This Standard is based on the Standard for Portable Type Gas Camp Heaters

ANSI Z21.63-2000 • CSA 11.3-2000, ANSI Z21.63a-2001 • CSA 11.3a-2001, and

ANSI Z21.63b-2003 • CSA 11.3b-2003


March 17, 2011

American National Standards Institute, Inc.

August 23, 2011 Interprovincial Advisory Council Effective in Canada July 1, 2012


8501 East Pleasant Valley Road Cleveland, Ohio 44131

Standards Developers


5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 5N6

Published - August 2011 Copyright © 2011

Canadian Standards Association

Permission is granted to republish material herein in laws or ordinances, and in regulations, administrative orders, or similar documents issued by public authorities. Those desiring permission for other republication should consult Canadian Standards Association, 5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 5N6.

Copyright © 2011 CSA America, Inc.

Permission is granted to republish material herein in laws or ordinances, and in regulations, administrative orders, or similar documents issued by public authorities. Those desiring permission for other republication should consult CSA America, Inc., 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44131.

Canadian Standards Association

The Canadian Standards Association (CSA), under whose auspices this National Standard has been produced, was chartered in 1919 and accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to the National Standards system in 1973. It is a not-for-profit, nonstatutory, voluntary membership association engaged in standards development and certification activities.

CSA standards reflect a national consensus of producers and users — including manufacturers, consumers, retailers, unions and professional organizations, and governmental agencies. The standards are used widely by industry and commerce and often adopted by municipal, provincial, and federal governments in their regulations, particularly in the fields of health, safety, building and construction, and the environment.

Individuals, companies, and associations across Canada indicate their support for CSA’s standards development by volunteering their time and skills to CSA Committee work and supporting the Association’s objectives through sustaining memberships. The more than 7000 committee volunteers and the 2000 sustaining memberships together form CSA’s total membership from which its Directors are chosen. Sustaining memberships represent a major source of income for CSA’s standards development activities.

The Association offers certification and testing services in support of and as an extension to its standards development activities. To ensure the integrity of its certification process, the Association regularly and continually audits and inspects products that bear the CSA Mark.

In addition to its head office and laboratory complex in Toronto, CSA has regional branch offices in major centres across Canada and inspection and testing agencies in eight countries. Since 1919, the Association has developed the necessary expertise to meet its corporate mission: CSA is an independent service organization whose mission is to provide an open and effective forum for activities facilitating the exchange of goods and services through the use of standards, certification and related services to meet national and international needs.

L’Association canadienne de normalisation (CSA), sous les auspices de laquelle cette Norme nationale a été préparée, a reçu ses lettres patentes en 1919 et son accréditation au sein du Système de Normes nationales par le Conseil canadien des normes en 1973. Association d’affiliation libre, sans but lucratif ni pouvoir de réglementation, elle se consacre à l’élaboration de normes et à la certification.

Les normes CSA reflètent le consensus de producteurs et d’usagers de partout au pays, au nombre desquels se trouvent des fabricants, des consommateurs, des détaillants et des représentants de syndicats, de corps professionnels et d’agences gouvernementales.

L’utilisation des normes CSA est très répandue dans l’industrie et le commerce, et leur adoption à divers ordres de législation, tant municipal et provincial que fédéral, est chose courante, particulièrement dans les domaines de la santé, de la sécurité, du bâtiment, de la construction et de l’environnement.

Les Canadiens d’un bout à l’autre du pays témoignent de leur appui au travail de normalisation mené par la CSA en participant bénévolement aux travaux des comités de la CSA et en appuyant ses objectifs par leurs cotisations de membres de soutien. Les quelque 7000 volontaires faisant partie des comités et les 2000 membres de soutien constituent l’ensemble des membres de la CSA parmi lesquels ses administrateurs sont choisis. Les cotisations des membres de soutien représentent une source importante de revenu pour les services de soutien à la normalisation volontaire.

L’Association offre des services de certification et de mise à l’essai qui appuient et complètent ses activités dans le domaine de l’élaboration de normes. De manière à assurer l’intégrité de son processus de certification, l’Association procède de façon régulière et continue à l’examen et à l’inspection des produits portant la marque CSA.

Outre son siège social et ses laboratoires à Toronto, la CSA possède des bureaux régionaux dans des centres vitaux partout au Canada, de même que des agences d’inspection et d’essai dans huit pays. Depuis 1919, l’Association a parfait les connaissances techniques qui lui permettent de remplir sa mission d’entreprise, à savoir la CSA est un organisme de services indépendant dont la mission est d’offrir une tribune libre et efficace pour la réalisation d’activités facilitant l’échange de biens et de services par l’intermédiaire de services de normalisation, de certification et autres, pour répondre aux besoins de nos clients, tant à l’échelle nationale qu’internationale.

For further information on CSA services, write to

Canadian Standards Association 5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100Mississauga, Ontario,

Canada L4W 5N6

Pour plus de renseignements sur les services de

la CSA, s’adresser à Association canadienne de normalisation 5060, Spectrum Way, bureau 100 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 5N6

American National Standards Insititute

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Inc. is the nationally recognized coordinator of voluntary standards development in the United States through which voluntary organizations, representing virtually every technical discipline and every facet of trade and commerce, organized labor and consumer interests, establish and improve the some 10,000 national consensus standards currently approved as American National Standards.

ANSI provides that the interests of the public may have appropriate participation and representation in standardization activity, and cooperates with departments and agencies of U.S. Federal, state and local governments in achieving compatibility between government codes and standards and the voluntary standards of industry and commerce.

ANSI represents the interests of the United States in international nontreaty organizations such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). The Institute maintains close ties with regional organizations such as the Pacific Area Standards Congress (PASC) and the Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT). As such, ANSI coordinates the activities involved in the U.S. participation in these groups.

ANSI approval of standards is intended to verify that the principles of openness and due process have been followed in the approval procedure and that a consensus of those directly and materially affected by the standards has been achieved. ANSI coordination is intended to assist the voluntary system to ensure that national standards needs are identified and met with a set of standards that are without conflict or unnecessary duplication in their requirements.

Responsibility of approving American National Standards rests with the

American National Standards Institute, Inc.

25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY



This publication represents a basic standard for safe operation, substantial and durable construction, and acceptable performance of portable type gas camp heaters. It is the result of years of experience in the manufacture, testing, installation, maintenance, inspection and research on portable type gas camp heaters designed for utilization of gas. There are risks of injury to persons inherent in appliances that, if completely eliminated, would defeat the utility of the appliance. The provisions in this standard are intended to help reduce such risks while retaining the normal operation of the appliance.

Nothing in this standard is to be considered in any way as indicating a measure of quality beyond compliance with the provisions it contains. It is designed to allow compliance of portable type gas camp heaters, the safety construction and performance of which may exceed the various provisions specified herein. In its preparation, recognition has been given to possibilities of improvement through ingenuity of design. As progress takes place, revisions may become necessary. When they are believed desirable, recommendations or suggestions should be forwarded to CSA America, 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44131, or the Canadian Standards Association, 5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100, Missassagau, Ontario, Canada L4W 5N6.

Safe and satisfactory operation of portable type gas camp heaters depends to a great extent upon its proper installation, use and maintenance. It should be installed, as applicable, in accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1; the Natural Gas and Propane Gas Installation Code, CSA B149.1.

Users of this American National Standard/CSA Standard are advised that the devices, products and activities within its scope may be subject to regulation at the Federal, Territorial, Provincial, state or local level. Users are strongly urged to investigate this possibility through appropriate channels. In the event of a conflict with this standard, the Federal, Territorial, Provincial, state or local regulation should be followed.


CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards Institute, Inc., require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise or withdraw this standard no later than five (5) years from the date of approval. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute, Inc., 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, N.Y. 10036, (212) 642-4900.

EFFECTIVE DATE: An organization using this standard for product evaluation as a part of its certification program will normally establish the date by which all products certified by that organization should comply with this standard.

History Of The Development Of The Standard For Portable Type Gas Camp Heaters

(This History is informative and is not part of the standard.)

With the onset of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States and Canada on January 2, 1988, significant attention was given to the harmonization of the United States and Canadian safety standards addressing gas-fired equipment for residential, commercial and industrial applications. It was believed that the elimination of the differences between the standards would remove potential trade barriers and provide an atmosphere in which North American manufacturers could market more freely in the United States and Canada. The harmonization of these standards was also seen as a step toward harmonization with international standards.

The draft harmonized standard was based on the current coverage from the American National Standard for Portable Camp Heaters of Other Than the Catalytic Type for Use with Liquefied Petroleum Gases, ANSI Z21.63-1978 and the Canadian Standard for Portable Type Gas Camp Heaters, CAN1-11.3-M79. On September 19, 1997 the Z21/(Interim CSA) Joint Gas Refrigerators and Portable Camping Equipment Subcommittee reviewed by letter ballot the first draft harmonized portable type gas camp heater standard. At its February 4-5, 1998 meeting, in light of comments received, the joint subcommittee agreed to adopt the revised draft standard for public review and comment. The revised draft camp heater standard was distributed for review during June 1998.

At its November 1998 meeting, the subcommittee recommended the proposed draft to the Z21/83 Committee and the (Interim CSA) Standards Steering Committee for approval.

The proposed draft harmonized standard for Portable Type Gas Camp Heaters was approved by the Z21/83 Committee at its April 15, 1999 meeting and by the (Interim CSA) Standards Steering committee on May 26, 1999. There were some issues raised during the Interprovincial Gas Advisory Council’s (IGAC) approval process and the standard was not approved in 1999. Therefore, a U.S. only edition of the draft standard was published, ANSI Z21.63-1999. Based on additional information provided by the joint subcommittee, and an editorial revision to section 2.4, Combustion, the draft harmonized standard was reconsidered and approved by the IGAC a year later.

The first edition of American National Standard/CSA Standard for Portable Type Gas Camp Heaters was approved by the IGAC on May 30, 2000, and by ANSI, on November 2, 1999.

This, the second edition of American National Standard/CSA Standard for Portable Type Camp Heaters was approved by the IGAC on August 23, 2011 and by ANSI on March 17, 2011.

The previous editions of the Standard for Portable Type Gas Camp Heaters, and addendas thereto, approved by the IGAC and ANSI are as follows:

ANSI Z21.63-2000 • CSA 11.3-2000 ANSI Z21.63a-2001 • CSA 11.3a-2001 ANSI Z21.63b-2003 • CSA 11.3b-2003

The following identifies the designation and year of this standard: ANSI Z21.63-2011 • CSA 11.3 - 2011

Note: This edition of Z21.63 • CSA 11.3 incorporates changes to the 2000 edition and addenda thereto. Changes other than editorial, are denoted by a vertical lines in the margin.

Interprovincial Gas Advisory Council

(February, 2010)

K. Fenning

British Columbia Safety Authority


R. Brousseau

Regie du batiment du Quebec

(Alternate Member)

M. Davidson

New Brunswick Department of Public Safety

A. Durnie

Alberta Municipal Affairs

(Alternate Member)

D. Eastman

Newfoundland & Labrador Government

D. Hird

SaskPower Corporation

(Alternate Member)

E. Hurd

British Columbia Safety Authority

(Alternate Member)

W. Lock

British Columbia Safety Authority

S. Manning

Alberta Municipal Affairs

J. Marshall

Technical Standards & Safety Authority

R. McRae

Government of the Northwest Territories

J. Melling

Alberta Municipal Affairs

(Alternate Member)

V. Pao

Manitoba Labour

B. Reid

P.E.I. Department of Labour

J. Renaud

Regie du batiment du Quebec

D.C. Stewart

Nova Scotia Department of Labour

I. Tilgner

Human Resources Development Canada

G. L. Williams

SaskPower Corporation

C. Wolfe

Government of Nunavut Community and Government Services

D. Young

Government of Yukon Territory

Z21/83 Committee on Performance and Installation of Gas Burning Appliances and Related Accessories

DARYL L. HOSLER, Chairman PAUL E. BEACH, Vice Chairman


Charles W. Adams

Alan Kessler

Gary J. Potter

Mark Diesch

Frank Myers

Neil Rolph (Alternate)


JoAnn Emmel


James A. Ranfone


Matthew Williams Tom Riley (Alternate)


Carl Suchovsky


Amy B. Sherwin Hall Virgil


Matthew Wilber


Geoff Atkinson


Tom Stroud

Z21/83 Committee on Performance and Installation of Gas Burning Appliances and Related Accessories (con’t)


Issac Sargunam Daryl Hosler (Non-voting)


George Ruzicka


Edward Angelone John Rathbun (Alternate)


Bruce J. Swiecicki


Charles Souhrada Terry Wiseman (Alternate)


Lance Delaura Ron Caulde (Alternate)


Robert Wozniak Travis Hardin (Alternate)

CSA Technical Committee On Gas Appliances And Related Equipment

(May 2010)

Z. Fraczkowski

Technical Standards and Safety Authority


D. Baxer

Enbridge Gas Distribution

J. Boros

Rheem Manufacturing Company

T. Brennan

Natural Resources Canada

(Alternate Member)

C. Côte

Gaz Metropolitain, Inc.

C. Gibbs

Consumers’ Association of Canada

E. Grzesik

Ontario Ministry of the Energy, Science & Technology

A. Gould

Reliance Comfort, Ltd.

D. Hird

SaskPower Corporation

(Alternate Member)

D.L. Hosler

DLHX2 Enterprises, LLC

(Alternate Member)

E.J. Hurd

British Columbia Safety Authority

(Alternate Member)

D. Jamieson

GHP Group, Inc.

J.M. Jones

J.M. Jones Consulting Services

C. Jorgenson

British Columbia Safety Authority

S. Katz

S. Katz and Associates, Inc.

(Alternate Member)

J. Krill

Reliance Comfort, Ltd.

(Alternate Member)

J. Marshall

Technical Standards and Safety Authority

(Alternate Member)

J. Melling

SaskPower Corporation

(Alternate Member)

J. Overall

Union Gas Limited

(Alternate Member)

T. Poulin

GSW Water Heating Company

G. Prociw

Union Gas Limited

H. Prosper

Natural Resources Canada

M. Thomas

Natural Resources Canada

(Alternate Member)

G.L. Williams

SaskPower Corporation

Z21/CSA Joint Technical Advisory Group On Standards For Gas-Fired Refrigerators and Portable Camping Equipment


Ted Bukowski Kelley Cabrera Chistopher Childers

Christine Falco (Alternate) Alex Gafford (Alternate) Chad Hoskins (Alternate) Jim Jollay

Randy May

Kyle Penner (Alternate) Don Perkins

Paul Peterson

Mike Scott (Alternate) Brian Vandrak Richard Willey


Celia Gibbs


Ed Grzesik

Ted E. Squires (Alternate) Carl Suchovsky

Raphael Sumabat


Part I Construction


    1. Scope 1

    2. General Construction And Assembly 2

    3. Stability 2

    4. Materials 2

    5. Burners 3

    6. Orifices And Orifice Fittings 4

    7. Pilot Burners And Safety Shut-off Devices 4

    8. Manually Operated Gas Valves 4

    9. Gas Pressure Regulators 6

    10. Hose And Hose Fittings 7

    11. Flow Limiting Devices 7

    12. Guards, Grilles And Screens 7

    13. Instructions 7

    14. Marking 10

Part II Performance

    1. General 13

    2. Test Gases 13

    3. Test Pressures And Burner Adjustments 13

    4. Combustion 14

    5. Burner Operating Characteristics 15

    6. Pilot Operating Characteristics 15

    7. Pilot Burners And Safety Shut-off Devices 16

    8. Stability 17

    9. Resistance To Wind 18

    10. Gas Valves And Carrying Handles 18

    11. Wall, Floor And Ceiling Temperatures 18

    12. Evaluation Of Clothing Ignition Potential 18

    13. Marking Material Adhesion And Legibility 19

    14. Permanently Attached Marking Tags 20


Figure 1 Typical Fire Wall Corner 22

Figure 2 Probe for Evaluation of Clothing Ignition Potential 23

EXHIBIT A Items Unique To Canada 25

EXHIBIT B List Of Reference Standards 27

Part III Manufacturing And Production Tests 29

Contents (Continued)

Part IV Definitions 31

APPENDIX A Relationship Of Carbon Dioxide To Oxygen In The Closed

Room Test Specified In 2.4,Combustion 33

APPENDIX B Table Of Conversion Factors 35


This standard contains SI (Metric) equivalents to the yard/pound quantities, the purpose being to allow the standard to be used in SI (Metric) units. (Standard for use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System, IEEE/ASTM SI I0 or Metric Practice Guide, CAN/CSA Z234.1 are used as a guide in making metric conversion from yard/pound quantities.) If a value for a measurement and an equivalent value in other units, the first stated is to be regarded as the requirement. The given equivalent value may be approximate. If a value for a measurement and an equivalent value in other units, are both specified as a quoted marking requirement, the first stated unit, or both shall be provided.

American National Standard/ CSA Standard for Portable Type Gas Camp Heaters

Part I: Construction

1.1 Scope


This standard applies to unvented portable type gas camp heaters of the infrared type only up to and including a maximum input of 12,000 Btu/hr (3 517 w) using propane, butane, and liquefied petroleum gases and mixtures thereof, and intended for outdoor use.


This standard applies to portable type gas camp heaters having:

  1. A regulated pressure; or

  2. A non-regulated pressure.


Heaters and components employing materials or having forms of construction differing from those detailed in these provisions may be examined and tested according to the intent of the provisions, and if found to be satisfactorily equivalent, may be given recognition.


This standard applies to heaters constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials.


All references to psi throughout this standard are to be considered gauge pressures unless otherwise specified.


All accessories recommended by the manufacturer for use with appliances certified to this standard shall be supplied and with the appliance.


If a value for measurement as given in this standard is followed by an equivalent value in other units, the first stated value is to be regarded as the specification, except as noted in A.2.


Exhibit A, Items Unique to Canada, contains provisions that are unique to Canada.


Exhibit B, List of Reference Standards, contains a list of standards specifically referenced in this standard, and sources from which these standards may be obtained.